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2010 Powder Puff Derby Winners

The TRC club honors the ladies:

1st place - $300 -Granite City Loft honoring Martha

Band No. IFIOTRC1107 BBC

2nd place - $200 -Granite City Loft honoring Martha

Band No. IFI0TRC1159 BBWFH

3rd place - $100 -Granite City Loft honoring Martha


4th place - $ 50 - Marshall Loft honoring Rosa

Band No. IFIOTRCl160 BCC

Honorable Mention:

5th place - Alex & Bill honoring Faye

6th place - Woodruff Loft honoring Tammy

7th place - Mosley Loft honoring Jamie

8th place - Mosley Loft honoring Jamie

9th place - Sienna Loft honoring Kathy Mehalko

10th place - WoodrutTLoft honoring Tammy

11th place - Kenneth Moore honoring Evelyn

Thanks to all participants of this year's Powder Puff Derby
